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What It Implies when Japan and Korea Share the Same Tears
Japanese people are genius of communicating knowledge.
Indeed, any knowledge and ideas are communicated fast in
Japan. With high standard of education, with huge volumes of
publication, and with their fastest ability to translate any
foreign books, Japan has become a knowledge center of the
world. Yet, the country is not known for its fast church
growth. Christianity was first introduced to Japan In the
year 1542, when the first Europeans from Portugal landed on
Kyushu in Western Japan. Yet, today, still about one to two
million Japanese are Christians (about 1% of Japan's
Known for its advanced civilization, the mystery of Japan is
the mix of ancient superstitious practice and modern
scientific rationalism. Amidst of this land of modern
science, many home have Shinto godshelf and a Buddhist
family altar. Shintoism is a superstitious folk religion,
which still forms the root of Japanese culture in this age
of science. Shintoism mostly take care of ceremonies such as
wedding while Buddhism takes care of 90% of funeral carried
out in Japan. Shintoism still serves as a group identity in
modern Japan. No wonder that Pokemon, the strange mixture of
superstition and science is the product of Japanese pop
There are at least three factors that have deterred the
expansion of Christian faith in Japanese land. The
historical factor is that Japan since Meiji era had been
under strong influence of Western modernism, which sets
scientific rationalism prior to faith. They demand rational
evidence of Christian truth-claim. The sociological factor
is that Japan is a group-oriented society. They exist as a
group, and allegiance to a group one belongs to is a value
in Japanese society. It is the kind of society where one
risks losing one’s group identity by being a Christian. The
other factor is associated with economic achievement. Thanks
to the success of their national economy, the Japanese
people have made self-reliance the virtue of their society.
While they do not openly oppose Christian faith, they still
tend to think that religion is for weaker people.
Japanese people are not known for their sympathetic heart
for a religious cause until recently when Japan and Korea
Shared the Same Tears. A Korean who died trying to save a
Japanese man has become hero to both Korea and Japan. Lee
Soo-hyun, a 26-year-old Korean student was hit by the train
on January 26, 2001, while trying to save a Japanese.
On Monday (January 28) a host of dignitaries lined up in
Tokyo to pay their respects to Lee at a memorial set up at
the Japanese language school where he excelled. About one
thousand mourners gathered at Lee's funeral, including
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Foreign Minister
Yohei Kono. Prime Minister Mori held the hands of Lee's
parents, expressing his wish that Lee will be a model of a
heroic life to Japanese youth. The Shinjuku District Police
Chief Hideyoshi Kagawa passed on a medal and thank you
letter from the Commissioner General of Tokyo City Police,
and the Japanese association of good deeds also delivered a
thank you note to the mourning parents.
Because of the memory of Japan’s 1910-1945 occupation of the
Korean peninsula, most Koreans would not know Japanese as
hearty people. Then, it must be a new revelation of who
Japanese people are as the whole Japanese nation weeps over
a Korean young man’s premature death.
A foreign student died. Yes, men die. He died at a railway
station. Yes, it happens time after time. Between April and
September of last year, 22 people lost their lives after
falling on tracks. But they did not made headline news until
the 26-year old Korean student died. The Japanese media
reported news related to Lee's story as their top national
news. Monday’s Asahi evening newspaper splashed the
headline, “Japan and Korea Share the Same Tears.” Numerous
Japanese people keep sending condolence money for his family
for weeks. They are erecting a monument and statue in memory
of him. They are opening sports games in memory of him, and
so on. There was something reminiscent of the British people
paid their tributes after Princess Diana’s tragic accident.
Then, what is so unique with this incident that it has
created a national sensation in Japanese Islands?
First of all, it was a righteous death. Here was a foreigner
who would risk his life to help a Japanese he’d never met.
Adoring it, the Japanese prime minister Yoshiro Mori says,
“This is a good lesson—that young people have the courage to
help others.” Paying tribute to Lee, many Japanese express
how much they appreciate the lesson he left to them. “I’m
just really impressed that this society had this type of
courageous guy,” one elderly man told television cameras.
The tragedy out of the ill-fated rescue unfolded shortly
after 7. p.m. Friday at the Shin-Okubo station near Tokyo’s
Shinjuku area on the Yamamoto line. Trains whoosh into the
station every few minutes. Lee had just gotten off work at
his part-time job at an Internet café. He told friends only
moments before on his cell phone that he was on his way back
to the dormitory. When a drunken man by name Sakamoto fell
about four feet from the platform onto the tracks, Lee
immediately jumped down to help him up. He did it although
the man fell on the far opposite side. A Japanese
photographer Shiro Sekine on the spot also joined for this
rescue effort. But as they tried to lift him, an oncoming
train hit them all.
If the news that one person risked his life to save other
person’s life could reach the whole Japanese society within
one day, touching their hearts to incite so overwhelming
responses so quickly, why is it that so many Japanese people
still did not hear the story of Jesus’ atoning death after
more than four hundred years of Christian mission in the
land? If they made the story of Lee’s righteous death
theirs, they can also make the story of Jesus’ atoning death
theirs too. The gospel is not a difficult doctrine of
foreign religion. When one knows that Jesus died to save him
or her, this cannot be a foreign story or a difficult
doctrine. John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life.” The good news is
that our Savior died for us not for a failed rescue, but for
the redemption that brings us to eternal life. Yes, when
Japan and Korea Share the Same Tears, we also know that it
is the gospel for both nations.
This article was first published in
February 2001..